Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presentations:

Oral presentations should be for 12 minutes, with 3 minutes of questions. Please use the powerpoint template here. Deposit your powerpoint file named: wbir2024_[session_number]_[oral_number].pptx in the online folder here (no login required). These must be uploaded by 23:59 UTC on 3rd October. You can overwrite these at any point until the deadline, but please use the same filename. You can find your session and oral number on the scientific programme.

All oral presenters should also present a poster, see details below.

Lightning Presentations:

All poster presenters (that are not presenting as an oral) should prepare a 1 minute "lightning" introduction to their work to draw people to your poster. To ensure strict time keeping we will automate transitions between presentations. Please use the powerpoint template here. You may use transitions, but the timings for this must be embedded in the slides. You may use a maximum of 2 slides, but we would recommend just using one given the time constraints.

Deposit your powerpoint file named: wbir2024_[poster_number]_lightning.pptx in the online folder here (no login required). These must be uploaded by 23:59 UTC on 3rd October. You can overwrite these at any point until the deadline, but please use the same filename. You can find your poster number on the scientific programme.


Poster size is A0, portrait mode (33.1 x 46.8 in). Please feel free to include the WBIR logo in either wide or narrow form.